This beautiful mini bouquet using an assortment of willow eucalyptus, juniper sprig, grains, and flax t to create this charming and petit mini bouquet arrangement. Each bouquet is designed and...
This 14-ounce fluted glass decanter is a testament to the art of glassblowing, featuring delicate stripes of hand-painted gold finish that catch the light with every turn. The clear glass...
This 12-ounce fluted glass decanter is a testament to the art of glassblowing, featuring delicate stripes of hand-painted gold finish that catch the light with every turn. The clear glass...
This 10 oz. mini decanter is a stunning example of glass artistry, featuring a beautifully etched design complemented by a gold finish pattern. The clear glass showcases the liquor's color,...
Inspired by vintage turned wood, the Ramona Candle Holders add a warm coziness to your space. Simplistic and tasteful, these make a great tabletop or mantel accent. In 2 different sizes,...
Show off your favorite stems with this ceramic vase. This vase is glazed with a natural matte green textural glaze and embossed with a vertical ribbed texture. -Suitable for dried...